I am a proud public school Principal who believes every child should be provided with an inspiring and engaging education. I promote learning opportunities for all students within all domains (intellectual, creative, social emotional and physical development) ensuring all students at Redhead Public School become lifelong learners who have a growth mindset and a strong sense of self identify.
I have worked within the Department of Education for 21 years. I have extensive curriculum knowledge and delivery and have a passion for the performing arts. I have held multiple roles within the Department of Education such as an Assistant Principal, Instructional Leader and Deputy Principal over multiple school and various settings. I have lead schools of various sizes and am dedicated to ensuring all students at Redhead Public School graduate with self regulation, persistence, and independence to tackle any challenges that awaits them at high school.
I am proud to lead and work collegially with my talented executive team, staff and community to ensure Redhead Public School evolves within its educational delivery. I'm focused on preparing future generations of students to be creative thinkers and problem solvers in this ever changing society.
As an innovative educator and school leader I believe that all students have a right to an inclusive rich learning environment and to feel happy, safe and valued within Redhead Public School. I foster family-school partnerships based on mutual trust and respect, and shared responsibility for the education of the children at Redhead PS by working closely with the principal, staff, students and parents to support the individual growth and needs of each of our students.
As a lead learner at Redhead Public School, I am committed to the schools shared vision, where our students are supported within an inspirational learning environment where every child is provided with the opportunity to collaborate, create and think critically. As Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction, I lead by example and set high standards for all staff and students. I ensure staff at Redhead PS are provided with quality professional development opportunities, the ability to work ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with myself through mentoring or team-teaching opportunities and model innovative teaching and learning programs that provide them with the tools they need to equip students of Redhead PS to have a growth mindset and become global citizens of the future.
As a passionate teacher and leader, I value the importance of creating a learning environment for all students and staff that foster inclusion, diversity, rich learning opportunities, engagement, innovation, and the celebration of success. I have a vast array of teaching and leading experience over 15 years across a variety of settings, grades and demographics including New South Wales, Northern Territory, United Kingdom and Japan. As a member of the Redhead Primary School community, I will continue to strategically work with the school’s multi-skilled staff, students and community to strengthen the dynamic, inclusive and caring environment. I will support the schools vision statement of creating and supporting an inspirational learning environment where every child is provided with the opportunity to collaborate, create and think critically. I feel very fortunate to be part of the Redhead school community and look forward to sharing my expertise and continuing to ensure our school is an exemplar for current and future educational practises.
I have 20 years of extensive experience within education as; Classroom Teacher, Assistant Principal, University of Newcastle (UON) Academic & Lecturer and Early Childhood Educational Leader and Trainer and Assessor. This accumulative experience has led me to the role of Assistant Principal at Redhead Public School, where my leadership philosophy equates to a shared, collective practice; building the capacity for change and improvement.
As a teacher, I believe all children have a right to quality education. I am committed to ensuring students succeed academically, socially and emotionally through inspirational and contemporary teaching and learning. I value and appreciate the diverse learning dispositions of students and am passionate about creating environments of high expectations and respect, that reinforces social support. I believe in encouraging students to be innovative, analytical, creative and critical to develop the skills required to become successful citizens in society.
I feel very privileged to be part of the Redhead community and the exceptional team at Redhead Public School and am committed to shared vision of Redhead Public School; ‘Empowering students to embrace the opportunities of Quality Education, promoting student growth and success in life”.